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Hillary Clinton Says She Spent the Week 'Never Wanting to Leave the House Again'

Hillary Clinton Says She Spent the Week 'Never Wanting to Leave the House Again'
Former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said all she wanted to do for most of the past week was "curl up with a good book with a dog and never leave the house again."
Clinton made her first public appearance Wednesday night in Washington after conceding the presidential election to Republican Donald Trump a week ago.
She appeared at the Children's Defense Fund's Beat the Odds program, which honored five young people who overcame tragedy to become excellent students and are on their way to outstanding professional careers.
Clinton admitted that coming to the event "wasn't the easiest thing for me." But she said the five young men and women the fund was saluting never gave up after facing violence, poverty and abandonment.

curl up:`to sit or lie in a position with your arms and legs close to your body
concede:` to admit that you have lost in a competition: 
salute:to honour or express admiration publicly for a person or an achievement:  
Schumer to Lead Democrats; McConnell to Lead Senate Republicans
U.S. Senate leadership positions are being filled for the new session that will start in early January, reflecting the balance of power determined in elections held across the country last week.
Veteran New York Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer was unanimously elected minority leader Wednesday. He will succeed retiring Nevada Senator Harry Reid in the leadership post.
Other top Democratic party positions will be held by Illinois Senator Dick Durbin, who will be the minority whip. Washington State Senator(国会参议员) Patty Murray was elected assistant leader.
Republicans, who hold the majority in the Senate, elected Kentucky's Mitch McConnell to continue in his leadership position.
The congressional leadership positions take effect prior to the January 20 inauguration of Republican Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States.

succeed: to take an official job or position after someone else 
session:a formal meeting or series of meetings of an organization such as a parliament or a law court:  
veteran:1 `a person who has had a lot of experience of a particular activity
2 ( US informal vet) someone who has been in the armed forces during a war:  

