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Jail Sentences Given to 3 Somali-Americans for Plotting to Join IS

Jail Sentences Given to 3 Somali-Americans for Plotting to Join IS
A U.S. judge in Minnesota has given jail time to three Somali-Americans found guilty of conspiring to provide material support to Islamic State, but rewarded two of them with lighter sentences for cooperating with the government.
The harshest sentence was given to Zacharia Abdurahman, who got 10 years in prison. The prosecution wanted 15 years in prison for Abdurahman. The judge, Michael Davis, made it clear that Abdurahman received the toughest sentence because he did not testify against his former co-conspirators.
Abdurahman was stopped(被阻止) at JFK airport in New York in 2014 while attempting to travel to Greece on his way to Syria to join Islamic State. The following year he was involved in a second attempt to travel to Syria.
Also sentenced Monday was Abdirazak Warsame and Abdullahi Yusuf, both of whom cooperated with the U.S. government. Warsame received 30 months in prison, while Yusuf got off for time served in prison, the 21 months he already has been in jail. Both testified against some of their former friends.

consprie:to plan secretly with other people to do something bad, illegal, or against someone's wishes

get off:`to leave a place, usually in order to start a journey

testify: to speak seriously about something, especially in a law court, or to give or provide proof


Manning Seeks Commuted Sentence for Leaks
U.S. soldier Chelsea Manning, who is serving 35 years in prison for leaking classified documents, is asking President Barack Obama to(请求) commute her sentence to time served. She said in her application to the president, released by her attorneys, that there is no historical precedent for such an extreme sentence for leaking documents.
Manning, a former intelligence analyst in Iraq, has served more than six years of a 35-year sentence for leaking more than 700,000 secret military documents as well as battlefield videos to WikiLeaks.
Since being convicted, the soldier, originally called Bradley Manning, has said she identifies as a women. She tried to commit suicide last month while in solitary confinement, where she was placed after an earlier suicide attempt.
Manning wrote in her application to the president that she is living through "a cycle of anxiety, anger, hopelessness, loss and depression."
She is being held at the Fort Leavenworth military prison in Kansas. Manning is not asking for a pardon, meaning her conviction will stay on her record.

commute(verb): 1 to travel regularly a distance between work and home
2 to change a punishment into another that is less severe

intelligence(noun): `secret information about the governments of other countries, especially enemy governments, or a group of people who collect and deal with this information:  

live throuth sth:  to experience a difficult situation or event:

convict(verb): `to decide officially in a law court that someone is guilty of a crime: 

ford(堡垒): a military building designed to be defended from attack, consisting of an area surrounded by a strong wall, in which soldiers are based:  

