Japanese Prime Minister Abe Says He Has 'Great Confidence' in Donald Trump
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe calls U.S. President-elect Donald Trump a leader in whom he can have "great confidence."
Abe is the first world leader to meet with Trump after he won the
U.S. presidential election. The two met at the Trump Tower in New York.
"I do believe that without confidence between the two nations, the
alliance would never function in the future and as the outcome of
today's discussion, I am convinced Mr. Trump is a leader in whom(him) I can
have great confidence," the Japanese official said.
Abe said he and Trump talked about basic issues, but gave no details. Trump did not comment on the meeting.
During his campaign, Trump questioned several bedrocks of the
U.S.-Japanese relationship, suggesting that the U.S. was doing too much
to provide defense to Japan. He floated the idea of allowing Japan and
others in the region nuclear weapons and forcing higher payments to
support the deployment of U.S. forces in those countries.
The U.S. has about 53,000 military personnel based in Japan along
with 43,000 dependent family members and 5,000 Defense Department
civilian employees.
Supporters of the defense alliance argue that beyond the benefits to
Japan, there are strategic gains for the U.S. by having its forces
deployed in that part of the world.
Trump also opposes the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement -- a deal that Japan supports.
Trump spent most of Thursday with his transition team(过渡团队), making plans
for his new administration, as well as listening to advice from such
veteran diplomats(资深外交官) as former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Trump
says he has tremendous respect for Kissinger and said they talked about
such major issues as China, Russia and Iran. He also met with South
Carolina Governor(州长) Nikki Haley, a possible choice for secretary of state.
The transition team also announced that Trump would meet Saturday
with former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney. The former
Massachusetts governor was a vocal critic of Trump and held a press
conference(新闻发布会) earlier this year, where he said "dishonesty is Trump's
hallmark." The two were to discuss the transition operations as well as
the possibility that Romney was being considered as a candidate for
secretary of state.
alliance: 1` a group of countries, political parties, or people who have agreed to work together because of shared interests or aims: 2 an agreement to work with someone else to try to achieve the same thing:
deployment: the movement of soldiers or equipment to a place where they can be used when they are needed:
vocal(adj): often expressing opinions and complaints in speech:
hallmark: `a typical characteristic or feature of a person or thing:
Ex-Philippine Dictator Marcos Buried With Military Honors
Ex-Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos was buried with military
honors Friday, 30 years after he was ousted in a People Power
revolution. The ceremony began with a 21-gun salute as soldiers in
parade dress and ceremonial rifles stood to attention at the "Cemetery(墓园)
of Heroes" in Manila.
Despite growing opposition from a coalition composed of Philippine
human rights victims of the Marcos dictatorship, the Philippine’s
Supreme Court ruled last week that Marcos could be buried at the
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte approved the burial of the
former dictator, disregarding the opposition‘s rejection. Marcos body
was flown secretly to Manila in an apparent effort to avoid protests.
Thousands of riot police(防暴警察) and soldiers guarded the perimeter of the
cemetery and there were no protesters.
Marcos died in exile in Hawaii in 1989 and his body was returned to
his northern Philippine hometown of Batac in 1993. Since then, it has
been displayed in a glass coffin and became a tourist attraction.
oust(verb.): `to force someone to leave a position of power, job, place, or competition:
riot police: a special part of a police force trained to deal with noisy, violent groups
perimeter: the outer edge of an area of land or the border around it:
exile noun: the condition of someone being sent or kept away from their own country, village, etc., especially for political reasons: